Preparedness vs. EDC?


Most people when they hear that term immediately equate it to it’s stereotypical reference of a die hard, usually older ex-military, “big-brother is watching,” type of guy that stock piles food and gear because “the apocalypse is coming.”

You know that type… it’s the same guy that people say is a little out there and is probably just a few fries short of a happy meal. But is that true?, or is that just one end of the spectrum? The truth is that there’s a whole other classification of “prepper” out there that are growing in number and actually gaining quite a bit of popularity along the way.

See, when I think of the term prepper, I think of preparedness. Preparedness refers to the state of being ready for unexpected events or emergencies. This can include having the necessary supplies and knowledge to handle various situations, such as natural disasters, power outages or medical emergencies. One could argue that if you have a storm cellar, you’re a prepper. If you have a flashlight “just in case” you need it, you’re a prepper and even if you have bandaids in your medicine cabinet or a bottle of Tylenol, you too, are a prepper. Preparedness in its simplest form is having things that you don’t need now, but may need later, and in that essence, we are all preppers.

So what does that have to do with EDC?

Preparedness and every day carry (EDC) are both important concepts that can help individuals be better prepared for unexpected situations and emergencies. On the one hand, you have items around your home or stored away but usually those items are only accessible when you are in the same designated location where you stored them. In the EDC world, preparedness is having those items on your person on a daily basis. These items are chosen to be useful and practical in everyday situations, but also to be useful in emergency situations. They can reduce the impact of unexpected events or emergencies and allow individuals to be more self-reliant.

Think about it…. How many times have you been away from your house and asked to borrow something from someone or even needed information. Maybe it was a knife or a screwdriver to complete a project, that bandaid and Tylenol mentioned a moment ago because you got a cut or have a headach, or… perhaps you simply lost your way and had to ask someone for directions. We’ve all been there. We’ve all placed ourselves in situations where we were dependent on external resources and without those resources, we would be up the proverbial creek, without a paddle.

What if, instead of being the “needy” one in your group of friends, you were the resilient one who always thinks ahead. The guy that has everything he needs and is usually the one who is called on to save the day because you’re prepared for those situations life throws your way. Sounds nice doesn’t it?

With EDC you have a choice to do exactly that. There’s tons of gear available today and you can personalize that gear to fit your style. Make your EDC an extension of yourself and make it unique to you. If you’re stumped and don’t know where to start, take a peak at our EDC Gear Gallery for some creative ideas submitted from our readers and staff to get you started.

Whatever you do… do something. Because an empty pocket or pack is an unprepared pocket or pack. And to be honest, it’s just as depressing as a baby-faced man child with only a 5 o’clock shadow sitting at the end of the bar all alone watching the girl of his dreams walk out the door with a bearded legend……

Oops… Sorry. I went off on a rant there…

Go Get Some Gear!


Choosing the Right Gear